Friday, August 27, 2010

*&#$% - From a Fight Scene in Batman

That's what it felt like I was experiencing when I slammed on the tile covered concrete floor as I entered the foyer of our church while on the Segway.

This past Sunday we awakened to a beautiful morning, providing us with a respite from the hot temperatures plaguing much of the country this summer. In addition, my wife had to be at church early so I couldn't resist riding the Segway to the Sunday services. As usual I wore my 'Segwayman' helmet, taking it off as I entered the Sunday School area where our class met. After Sunday School, I rode beside my wife to the church sanctuary. Several women were in front of me entering the door leading into the main foyer. One woman was holding the door for me, but being the independent cuss that I am, I reached for the door and told her she didn't need to hold the door for me because I could do it myself. After all, over the past 6 years, the Segway and I have both literately and figuratively open hundreds of doors. As usual, I lined up the tires for the entrance and started moving forward. Two problems contributed to my upcoming rondevoux with the floor. 1) I was using my left hand to hold the door thereby not having contact with the left handlebar, where the steering mechanism is located, and 2) my left tire was lower than normal due to a very slow leak. As I was moving forward, lower air pressure caused the Segway to pull slightly to the left thereby messing up my alignment of the Segway tires so I could safely go through the door. As I moved forward while holding the door open, the Segway pulled slightly to the left which caused the tire hit the door facing. I went down, with the Segway and struck the hard floor with my head. BIG TIME OUCH!! A friend came to my aid and because I was temporarily stunned, to me he and others around him looked like big blurs and were not recognizable. After a few minutes I sat up and turned and did what any good cowboy does after being thrown from his horse, got up and back on the Segway (my horse) and rode into the main sanctuary. My wife was insisting that we leave and go home. After we got in the car, she said that should go to the emergency room in order to check things out. I agreed and off we went. After x-rays and a CAT scan it was determined that I had no broken bones instead having a concussion.

But 5 days later I am still having a hard time shaking the effects of my fall off. We went to my local Dr. this morning and his assessment was that it was going to take some time for my bruised brain to heal.

I want to end this lengthy post with a tale about my Dr. and his reaction. I reminded him that 6 years ago when I first came to him with a brochure about the Segway. I was trying to get insurance to help with the purchase. He looked at the pictures and told me that his only concern was that I might fall off and get hurt. I further told him this morning that it took me 6 years to make his fears come true. He very nicely responded by telling me that it has been such an aid to my mobility, that it definitely has been worth it. My sentiments exactly.

P.S. I have ridden it around the neighborhood several times since then. My feelings about riding the Segway have not been even mildly affected by the accident. I still have the attitude that I'm more comfortable on it than I am anywhere because of the way it takes care of me.