Thanks To The Bioness-L300 It Just Got Even Weirder . . . .
We took a short excursion to Ohio last week, staying in Columbus, visiting the Lake Erie area as well as two other small towns in Central Ohio, Granville and Dublin. It was truly a nice experience to be on the road again. The above picture was made in Vermillion, Ohio, a small town on the coast of Lake Erie.
The significance of the picture marks the first time that I've been able to walk beside Wanda and hold hands in over 12 years, something every other married couple probably takes for granted. I don't! Unbelievable!!! (The Segway was in the car - just in case). Thanks to the Bioness, I'm actually walking again.
One goal of this trip was to see how I did with the 'Ness while on a short trip. I dun' real gud'. Actually the only time the Segway was out of the car was when it was used to help me get from the parking garage to the hotel and back both at night and in the mornings. We are planning on a 'Segwayless' group trip the end of the month to Gettysburg and Lancaster PA. I'm know now that I can actually do it. Stay tuned.