Woodland Arts Fair '09
I had the pleasure of chowing down on a good old catfish sandwich. Yum, Yum! It's fun to just ride around slowly while listening to comments about the still strange machine. I could write a book (hey wait a minute, maybe I am - covering my journey with MS, the Segway, Tysabri, and the Bioness L-300) about the comments people make about the Segway. Once again it proved to be a huge help to both of us because the crowds were very large and parking places(even a half mile or more away) were extremely scarce. I was able to park farther away (at no cost) and ride back to the SUV, drive to a predesignated point and pick up Wanda, thereby saving her from walking quite a way in the heat.
Today marks the 5th time we have visited the Arts Fair with the Segway. The very first post on this blog (115 posts down from this one) was about being at the Arts Fair with the Segway for the 1st time. It is still as much fun as it was almost 5 years ago (when I bought it).
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