Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Summer Without the Sizzle

I am creating this post from the living room of my youngest daughter Cynthia Bruno, while visiting her in Nashville, TN. It has been rather quite around where I've been so a lot hasn't been happening.

Medically, everything is going well. The Bioness L-300, henceforth referred to as 'Ness', since that is what is printed on my control unit holder - which I wear around my neck. The (Ness and I have been getting along very well. I've been able to go out and walk around the block several times as well as go to the community indoor aquatic center where they have a track for walking/jogging. (Another thing I haven't done in years). I used to take Autumn (my deceased service dog) to the facility during bad weather days. I'm still exercising in the mornings and evenings while I'm wearing the Ness. I've been told that my muscles will begin to feel stronger sometime between 6 months to a year. Since I'm known in my family for my patience, In my mind I'm hearing howls of laughter from my two dumb(written affectionately) daughters, I'll just stay here and continue working and 'wait and see'. It may be my imagination and/or influenced by my burning desire to at least hold my own when it comes to my MS, but I think I am feeling a smidgen stronger (Please, please, pretty please).

I did hit a couple of bumps in the road and had to deal with that, but now things are much better than before I got slowed down. One word of advice to all of you with MS (and others too), is that it can be hard getting off of one of the SSRI inhibitors. Believe me, they're not worth it. Nobody tells you about this before you fill the prescription. I wouldn't have even begin to take them if I knew what it could be like during withdrawal. Go to google and type in Lexipro,Prozac or any other drug name crossed with the word 'withdrawal' and see what you get. This is another reason that people with MS have to take an active role in how they handle the disease.

We are looking forward to begin traveling again, so descriptions of our exploits will be appearing soon. Stay cool!