Friday, August 21, 2009

Freakin' Unbelievable (At Least,For Me)

Wednesday evening I drove to the Pavilion (Community Aquatic and Exercise Center) to take a walk around the indoor track. I used to walk with Autumn (my deceased service dog) several years ago, but have not been able to do so in a very long time. I have been walking and trying to build up my endurance so I could walk longer distances. I have walked around our block (1/3 mile) several times and had even walked 3/4 mile at the Pavilion once in the last few weeks. But the Wednesday trek effort provided me with yet one more 'milestone' (no pun intended) in my quest to at least hold my own in my battle with MS.

I actually walked a whole mile, which to me would have been completely unimaginable prior to acquiring the Bioness L-300. And to boot, I didn't even use a cane or any other visible means of support (except for the 'Ness which was shocking my leg muscles with every step). Eleven and a half laps around the track (I walked 12) constitute one mile. I actually didn't set out to break my 'walking record', but like the Everyready Bunny, I just kept on going. As I was going around for the last lap, I got somewhat emotional and looked down at the track in front of me and saw drops falling from my face to the track below. They were a mixture of both sweat and tears. I gratefully recalled the many people who helped me get to this point, and in my mind was thanking them for being there for me when I needed them. And then I shed some more tears. Not tears of sadness, but instead I felt a great sense of joy and peace.

Some of my muscles are somewhat sore, but as Chief Dan George said in one of my favorite movies Little Big Man "My heart soars like a hawk". I don't view this as an end of a long quest, but rather a beginning.