Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Home From the Hospital

The Segway just became even more important to me as I returned from the hospital. Hip replacement surgery left me fairly immobile. Enter the Segway and I can once again get around. In the picture, I am seated on our bed, which fortunately is a power bed which raises and lowers (we actually purchased it several years ago in case either one of us needed it when recovering from an illness). I raise the end of it and get the Segway next to the bed and simply grab the handlebars, stand up (I still can't put any weight on my right leg) and glide around the house (or even outside if I want to).
Even I can't believe it! Freakin awesome!!!!

Wanda is becoming more adept at using it. She has even ridden it around the house in order to bring it to me when I need it. Next, she will be required to load and unload it from my vehicle when I have Dr's appointment, etc., but I have confidence that she can do it. I couldn't do without her.