Saturday, August 30, 2008

Segwayman Meets Gate

The 8th Tysabri treatment was given to me at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Lexington this past Tuesday. Everything went well, until …..

We were leaving the hospital, via our usual route, which takes us through the front entrance, complete with a revolving door (I love to ride through a revolving door and never miss an opportunity to use one). I was engrossed in the beautiful day we were having as I glided happily toward the parking lot with Wanda walking beside me. I felt like all was well with the world.

The entrance to the parking lot has a standard gate which goes up whenever a car enters. As we came to the entrance of the lot I turned to her and said “Hey, I wonder if I can make this gate go up”. Sure enough, as I glided up to the gate, the gate went up. I then turned to her and said, “Wow, that was neat, look, I made the gate go up”. I eased the Segway forward and about that time the gate came down crashing on my head and face. OOPS! Wanda was laughing hard at what she saw, until she noticed the blood coming from my lip. That, and a few scrapes on my hand were all of the injuries I incurred while showing off. However, I did hold on to the Segway throughout the incident and didn't let the gate knock me off.

The experience did teach me a lesson though, as to what might happen when I decided to show off while on the machine.