Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Faith Baptist Childrens Sermon

I had been asked to do the children's sermon at Faith Baptist Church featuring the Segway. I agreed to do it providing someone would 'talk' for me. I was fearful of having trouble speaking in front of a large group so David Fraley agreed to be my voice during the event. He did an excellent job telling the group about my MS, why I use the Segway, as well as relating some funny experiences about me and the machine. The church group has been so supportive of me and my use of the machine that I looked forward to appearing with my 'pimped-out' Segway complete with the Segseat and spinners during the service. David even asked me to slowly glide up and down the aisles of the sanctuary to show the congregation what the spinners and the seat looked like up close. My three little grandvarmits were in attendance which made the day even more fun for me. I would like to further express my thanks to David Fraley for helping me during the service. Thanks, David!

P.S. - At the end of the session, David Fraley gave out slips of paper with this web site address and encouraged members to take a look at it. He stated that he had read every blog entry and after he spoke so knowledgably about it, I could tell that he indeed had.