More Early Fall Festivals
This weekend we hit two additional festivals. First in Burgin Kentucky, afterwards traveling to Lancaster, Kentucky for the Rural Heritage Festival.
One special note - I remember more than a few years ago when I was seeing neurologist number 4 (I'm now with neuro No 7), trying to find out what was happening to me, he mentioned that he thought I might possibly have MS, but he couldn't say for sure. This was of the first time MS had even been mentioned by anyone and I wasn't even sure what it was. I asked what that might mean for me and he said that I should stay out of the heat, further saying that in the future I would have some good days as well as some bad days. How true! Well, today happens to be one of the very good days I'm having.
We met a very special lady at the festival in Lancaster, Ms. Shirley Harper. Her effervescent personality was particularly interesting. She seemed to be amazed at the Segway, even getting other people she knew to come over and see it. I told her that I used the Segway because I had MS and couldn't walk very well and she quickly dismissed that by saying "That's OK, I don't have three of my fingers because they were cut off in an accident", and showed me her hand. Wanda and I both enjoyed talking to her very much. I gave her this web address and told her I would be posting our picture.
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