Sunday, August 20, 2006

Deja' Vu

To quote the great Yogi Berra, "This is just like Deja' Vu all over again."
As stated in a previous post, "the Segwayman loves to eat." Here I'm getting ready to chow down on a good ole' piece of funnel cake at the Woodland Arts Fair in Lexington, KY. The funnel cake, fresh from being fry-drowned in a vat of grease and covered with a liberal coating of powdered sugar sure tasted great.
The picture in the very 1st post on this blog was taken 2 years ago at this same event. I can see that I haven't aged at all ;-)
This will be the first of several of Kentucky fairs and festivals we'll probably be attending this fall.
The Segway has held up fine over the past 2 years, but I am getting ready to order a new set of fenders to satisfy the desire to keep it looking fresh and new.
Several people have mentioned the newest Segway model (with the tilting center control shaft) to me, but right now I like and need the stability that the rigid handlebar shaft gives me as I am flying along at Segway speed Mach I (12.5 mph) Seriously, I do look forward to trying one out.
Today as I was with my wife and we passed a vendors tent, one of the workers inside looked up at me as I was slowly gliding by and said "You look like you're flying". I replied with certainty, "I am", and flew on.