Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A Real Segway Challenge

This was the pathway I had to use to get to the beach with the Segway. Going up this side never gave me any trouble at all. Maybe because the sand was at least either partially shaded or received indirect sunlight and was a little less dry than on the other side.

Below is a picture of the side that gave me some trouble. Coming back from the beach the sand was very dry and loose if it didn't receive any rain the evening before. I did get the Segway bogged down at least twice and had it suddenly catch hold and fly out from under me, leaving me on my back looking upward at the sky. I did figure out that the best way to maneuver through this was to get off, put the Segway behind me, use the 'power assist' function and let the handlebar touch the small of my back and let it actually push me until I could get through to a firmer place. Loose sand on a level plane caused no problem whatsoever. I just traveled slower and stayed very alert in order to guide the machine through to harder sand.