Saturday, April 15, 2006

MS Walk at The Kentucky Horse Park

Today was just one of those days that makes one glad to be alive. The MS Walk was sponsored by the Kentucky Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. The event was held in order to raise funds to assist in finding a cure for the disease. The walk was held at The Kentucky Horse Park just south of Georgetown. My local doctor, Dr. Gus Bynum, came jogging along and stopped and offered to take a picture of Wanda and I. I had mistakenly told Wanda before the event that it was just a mile long. The route was really 3.2 miles in length and I didn't know it. Although she walks a lot at home, she was still glad to see the finish. I couldn't resist stopping for a short break to go over and see a four legged friend. They seemed curious about the Segway. As you can see, Central Kentucky is beautiful this time of year, greening up and getting ready for Derby Day.