Sunday, December 04, 2005

Grandparents Day

Friday, my wife and I visited our oldest grandsons (Tanner age 5 going on 15) school for Grandparent Day. He attends an elementary school here in Georgetown. We had orange juice and doughnuts with him in the cafeteria, were entertained by student music, and then ventured on to his classroom where we made a small cookie and candy gingerbread type house.

With my wife being a retired elementary school teacher and I being a retired elementary school principal, we have attended numerous Grandparents Day activities in our own schools. But this one was very special to us. We had the opportunity to see it from another perspective, and it was fun.

I did use the Segway to get around because we knew the visit would normally require a bit of walking as it is a large school. On the way to the classroom my wife and I became separated, with her going on ahead. After a few minutes when I didn't show up in the classroom, she retraced her steps searching for me. She found me in another classroom, where I was invited in by a teacher I knew, showing the Segway to a group of 2nd graders. They were fascinated.

I didn't think to bring my camera, but a teacher friend at the school toke the one above and sent it to me later. Much thanks.