Friday, June 15, 2007

Wedding Day

Pictured with me above is my youngest daughter, Cynthia, who was married this past Saturday to my new son-in-law, Tracy Bruno. The ceremony was well attended as was the reception afterwards. As planned, my 1st son-in-law, Mike Stacy, walked her down the aisle where I was waiting in front of the preacher and groom, where he gave her to me so I could fulfill my fatherly duties. I rode the Segway down the aisle behind my wife and then after parking he Segway, used the cane to assist me in walking the few feet I needed to. The weather outside was beautiful (low heat and humidity) so I rode the Segway not only to church but also to the reception (app 1 1/2 miles) and then home afterwards. I'm sure I cut quite a dapper figure riding the Segway on the South Broadway sidewalks clothed in my tuxedo. I got several honks from cars riding by.
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